During my school days,I noticed that a few of my Chinese classmates,spoke with a good command of Bahasa Melayu.
I knew, Chinese and English were used frequently in their daily life.
Malay neighbours ? .I guessed, there was not even a single Malay family in the neighbourhood.
True enough, "Bahasa Baku" was their choice.
Approaching one of them,I asked Lian, why the Bahasa Baku ?
He said " I know Malay only in school,you and the others speak Malay with difference slang"
He used to read a lots of Malay books, One thing , for sure , Lian would not immediately responded when I ask him , " Lian , lepas baca, bagi saya terus buku tu".
He was a library prefect, borrowing from the library is just a matter of handing over my library card to him,I did not have to make my way to the library.
It took a few seconds,for him to answer .With a smile ,he uttered the words " sebenarnya, saya sememangnya ada keinginan untuk memberikan buku ini kepada kamu"
I learned the secret from those guys.
In order to speak in
English ;-
- You must have a good vocabulary
- Before you open your mouth, in your mind, start to process , how to arrange for the sentences
- Use gesture such smiling, to help you overcome the tendency to response immediately.
You would not be able to do No 2 if your vocabulary is limited, Reading helps you a lot.
No 3 give you some ample time on what you want to say.Otherwise you will start to tremble and once,panic strike you, everything seem blank !
Practise the above 3 tips,at least you could have a smooth conversation.