Sunday, June 16, 2019

Kertas Soalan Peperiksaan Matematik Sesi 2018/2019

Petunjuk: Untuk tidak terlalu leka pada menjawab sesuatu soalan , tuliskan 
Masa Mula dan Masa Akhir di sebelah Nombor Soalan 


Question 1  ( 2.15 - 2.50 pm )

( a ) Given x2 -y2+2u2 + 3v2 -7 = 0
                     2x2 -3y2 -3uv -2 = 0 
       ( i )  ꝺu / ꝺx
       ( ii)  ꝺv/  y                                                                                                       ( 40 marks )

( b ) Find the local extreme values and saddle points
       of the function f( x, ),

       if there is any,given that 

      f( x, ) = x2 -2xy + ( 1 / 3 )y3-3y                                         
                                                  ( 30 marks )

( c ) Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to find            the extreme values of the

        function   f( x,y ) = 3x2 +2y2-4y + 1

        on the region
                           x 2+ y 2 <  16                                                           
                                                   ( 30 marks )

Question 2  ( 2.50 - 3.25 pm )

( a ) Evaluate
        ( i ) ʃ 02 ʃ 0[ 4- ( x )2 ] 1/2 x( x2 + y2 )-1/2dydx

        ( i i ) ʃ ʃ D2x dxdy

               over the region D enclosed by 
               the curve y = ex

          the lines x= 0,x = 2 and 
          y = 0                                                           
                                                    ( 50 marks )

( b ) Evaluate
        ( i ) ʃ 1e ʃ π /2π ʃ 1n2ylny  ex ( 1 / y )sin y dxdydz
       ( i i ) ʃ ʃ  ʃ V ( x2 + y2 + y2 )1/2dxdydz

 V = { ( x,y,z ) €  R3 / 1 <  x2 + y2 + z2 < 4 }                       

                                                     ( 50 marks )

Queston 3  ( 3.25 - 3.55 pm )

( a ) State the definition for each of the following:
                      ( i ) increasing sequence
                      ( ii ) bounded sequence
                      ( iii ) convergence of a sequence
                      ( iv ) Cauchy sequence                                                             

                                                      ( 40 marks )

( b ) The sequence { an } is   is defined as
                  a 1=1,a n + 1= 3-( 1/an) , n
> 1
       Show that
                     ( i ) { an } is  increasing
                     ( ii ) an<  3,for all  n
                     ( iii ) { an } is converging

 ( c ) Show that the sequence {  1 /n } is Cauchy                                           

                                                       ( 20 marks )

Question 4   ( 3.55 - 4.30 pm )

( a ) State the Squeezing Theorem for sequences.

       Hence ,use the theorem to evaluate

       limx->α x sin ( 1/x                                                                 
                                                       ( 30 marks )

( b ) Calculate the following limits :

       ( i )  limx->1   ( x3 - x2 + x -1 ) / ( x + ln x -1)-1

       ( ii ) limx->1 [ ln ( x + 1 )-1 - ( 1 / x ) ]

       ( iii) limx->1  [ ( e3x- 1 ) / tan x  ]
          ( iv)     limx->1   [( 3x -1 ) / ( x )]

                                                      ( 70 marks )

Question 5   ( 4.30 - 5.15 pm )

( a ) Determine whether each of the following series converges or diverges
     ( i )( e2n / nn )
                           n = 1

       ( ii ) infinity
         ∑ ( nn / n ! )
                n= 0
         ( iii ) infinity
        ∑ ( 1 / ink )
                k = 2

         ( iv ) infinity
          ∑ [ 3k / 4k ( k + 1 ) ]

              k = 1                                   
                                          ( 60 marks )


( b ) Find the taylor's polynomial of degree 3 

       about x = 1 and the remainder for
      the function f given by
                     f ( x ) = xex                                                                                               

                                                 ( 40 marks )


JIM 201 Linear Algebra

1. Consider the matrix
       A =   2  3  4
               2  1  1
              -1  1  2
( a ) Calculate
          ( i ) determinant A
          ( ii ) adj ( A )
          ( iii ) A-1
                 ( iv ) determinant adj ( A )
          ( v ) A adj( A )
          ( vi ) Reduced row-echelon form of A
           ( vii ) Solution of X if                2
                                           AX    =   -1
                                                        ( 60 MARKS )

( b ) Let B= [ bij ]3x3 be a 3x3 matrix and I is an identity 

Given that

E13( -2 )E23( 1 )E3 (1/2 )E32 (-1 )E12( -1 )E12(-1)B=1

Find B-1 and B                                          
                                                     ( 40 marks )

2 ( a ) Given the system of linear equations

          x + 2y + 3z = 6
          2x -3y +2z = 14
           3x + y -z + -2

Solve the system using the method of 
( i ) Cramer's Rule
( ii ) Gauss-Jordan elimination
                                                       ( 60 marks )

( b ) Determine the values of constant k if the system of linear equations 

          x + 2y -3z = 4
          3x -y +5z =2
           4x + y + ( k2 -14 ) z =k+2

 ( i ) unique solution
( ii ) infinitely many solutions
( iii ) no solutions
                                                        ( 40 marks )

3 ( a ) State the conditions that a subset W of a vector space is a subspace of V

                                                          ( 20 marks )
( b ) Show that each of the following vector is a subspace of V

( i ) S = { 3y / y e R } , V = R2
( ii ) S ={ a  -a  /  a, b, e R} , V = M2x2  
               b    0 

( iii ) S ={ x   / x + y = 0, x,y  e R } , V = R2

                                                                                          ( 40 marks )

( c ) Let T : V ->W be a linear transformation.
State the definition for each of the following :-
( i ) Kernel of T
( ii ) Range of T                                                                                                         ( 20 marks )

( d ) Given that T : R2 -> R where T(x,y ) = x + y

Find the kernel and range of T                                                                                     ( 20 marks )

4 ( a ) Let matric A be diagonalizable.Then there exist two matices P and D
such that P-1 AP = D
Show that An PDnP-1 
by induction                                                                                                                                   ( 30 marks )

( b ) Given the matrix

                                               2  1  1
                                  A=        1  2  1
                                               0  0  1

( i ) the characteristic polynomial
( ii ) eigenvalues
( iii ) eigenvectors
( iv ) the matrix P that diagonalizes A                                                                              ( 70 marks )

5 ( a ) State the definition for each of the following

   ( i ) orthogonal set
   ( ii ) orthonormal set
   ( iii ) orthogonal basis
   ( iv ) orthonormal basis                ( 40 marks )

( b ) Determine whether each of the following set is orthogonal or orthonormal 

( i ) S = { ( 1,0,0),(0,1,0),( 0,0,1) } c R3

( ii ) S = { ( 1,1,1),(-2,1,1),( 0,-1,1) } c R3

( c ) Use Gram -Schmidt process to find an orthogonal basis and orthonomal basis from the set

 S = { ( 1,1,0),(-1,-1,1),( 1,2,4) } c R3

                                                        ( 40 marks ) 


JIM 213 Differential Equations I

1 ( a ) Find the solution for the following differential equation xy' + 2y =  x3 , y( 1 ) = 2
                                           ( 40 marks )
   ( b ) Show that y = 1 / ( cx2-x3 )
               where C is a constant, is the general solution
         for the Bernoulli equation
                              dy/dx + ( 2/x )y xy 

2( a ) Verify that the integrating factor of
                    x2y' = 3y +   x4  

                 is u( x ) =  (e3 )1/x
                                                            ( 20 marks )

( b ) Show that the following equation

      ( exsinx-2ysinx ) dx = -(2cosx +excosy)dy 

is an exact equation.Hence ,find the general solution

                                                           ( 30 marks )

( c ) Find the explicit solution for the following
        initial-value problem

dy /dx -  xe2y  =   e2y sinx, y(  0 ) = 0

                                                           ( 50 marks )

3 ( a ) The population of a town P( t ) is modelled by
          the following differential equation 

                        dP/dt = kP

         at time t.The initial population of 5000 increase
         by 20% in 5 years .What will be the population
         in 12 years ?

                                                          ( 30 marks )

( b ) A 250-Volt electromotive force is applied to 
       an RC series circuit where the resistance is
       1000 ohms and the capacitance is 5x 10-6 farad.

      Find the charge q( t ) on capacitor if the 
      initial charge is q( 0 ) =0.
       Hence,find the current I( t )

   Hint : Kirchoff's Second Law, RI + ( 1/C ) q =E( t )

                                                          ( 30 marks )
( c ) Given LRC series circuit

         L d2q / dt2 + Rdq/dt + ( 1 / C ) q = E( t )

       with L = 1 Henry, R= 20 ohms, C= 0.0005 farad 
       and E( t ) = 300 volt

      ( i ) Show that the general solution of the charge 
             on the capacitor is 
      q( t ) = e-10t [A cos( 10t ) + B sin( 10t) ] + 1.5

      ( ii )Hence,find the particular solution
            if q( 0 ) = 1 and I( 0 ) = 0

     ( iii ) What is the charge on the capacitor when 
              t ->infinity ?

                                                 ( 40 Marks )

4( a ) Solve the initial value problem of Cauchy-Euler 
          differential equation

            xd2 y/dx2  - ( 3x )dy/dx + 3y  =  3x

            y ( 1 ) = 6 , y( 1 ) = 7

 ( b ) Use the Laplace transform to solve the following initial-value problem
                               dy/dt -2y = e-t , y( 0 ) = 0

                                               ( 30 marks )

( c ) Using Laplace transform, prove that the particular 

        solution of 

 y+ 4y+ 4y = e-2t , y( 0 ) =1 , y'( 0 )= 1

    y( t ) = ( 1/6 )te-2t + e-2t  + 3te-t 

                                               ( 40 marks )

5 Given a system of homogenous linear differential equations
                     dx /dt = x +y +2z

                    dy/dt = x + 2y +z

                     dz/dt= 2x + y + z     

  ( a ) Write the system of equations in the form

                dX /dt = AX

          where        x  and identify the matric A
                    A =  y
                                                            ( 15 marks )

( b ) Show that the characteristic equation is 

            k-4k2- k + 4 = 0 , k = eigen values

( c ) Find all eigen values and the corresponding
                                                            ( 50 marks )

( d ) Hence, write down the general solution of the
        given system                                              
                                                            ( 10 marks )


JIM 212 Statistical Method


Question 1 
An insurance company wants to know if the amount of life insurance depends on the incomes of a person.The research deparment at the company collected information on six persons.The table below lists the annual income                ( in thousands of RM) and the amount( in thousands of RM ) of life insurance policies for these six persons.

Annual Income   62   78    41    53    85  34
Life Insurance  250  300  100  150  500  75

( a ) Find the regression line y = a + bx with annual
       income as an independent variable and amount 
      of life insurance policy as a dependent variable

                                                ( 50 marks )
( b )Give a brief interpretation of the values of a and b
       calculated in part ( a )       
                                                 ( 20 marks )

( c ) What is the estimated value of the life insurance
        for a person with an annual income of RM55,000 ? 

                                                 ( 10 marks )

( d ) One of the persons in this sample has an annual 
        income of RM78,000 and RM300,000 of life
        insurance.What is the predicted value of the life
        insurance for this person ?.Find the error for
        this observation.                 ( 20 marks )

Question 2

( a ) Describe in your own words a test of independence and a test of homogeneity.Give example for each 

                                                          ( 20 marks )

( b ) To make a test of indepence or homogeneity,what should be the minimum expected frequency for each cell ? What are the alternatives if this condition is not satisfied ? 
                                                          ( 20 marks )
( c ) Two drugs were administered to two groups  of randomly assigned 60 and 40 patients,respectively to cure the same disease.The following table gives information on the number of patients who were cured and not cured by each of the two drugs

                                  CURED      NOT CURED
DRUG I                          44                    16
DRUG II                         18                     22

Test at the significance level if the two drugs are similar in curing the patients                                        ( 60 marks )

Question 3

( A ) A university alumni office wants to compare the time taken by graduates from three majors to find their first job after graduation.A random sample of eight business majors,seven computer science majors and six engineering majors who graduated in 2017 were taken 

      The following table list the time ( in day ) taken to find their full - time job after graduation 

         Business        Comp Science     Engineering
            36                           56             26
            62                           13             51
            35                           24             63
            80                           28             46
            48                           44             78
            27                            47            34
            76                            20           

 At the 5% significance level,can you conclude that the mean time taken to find their first job for all 2017 graduates in these fields are the same ? 
                                                        ( 50 marks )  

  ( b ) The two -way table below gives data for a 2x2 factorial experiments per factor.

                                        Factor B
                               Low                High

                   Low       29                    47
                                35                    42     
Factor A
                   High       12                    28
                                 17                   22

Construct the ANOVA table for this experiment and do a complete analysis at alpha = 0.05

Question 4
( a ) Two different devices for measuring suphr monoxide in the atmosphere were compared in a test for measuring air pollution.The following data was obtained

Sulphur Monoxide ( parts per million )

Device A                  Device B
0.96  0.68                 0.87   0.57
0.82  0.65                 0.74   0.53
0.75  0.84                 0.63   0.88
0.61  0.59                 0.55   0.51
0.89  0.94                 0.76   0.79
0.64  0.91                 0.70   0.84
0.61  0.77                 0.69   0.63

                                             ( 50 marks )

( b ) The following table gives the burning times ( in minutes ) of four fabrics coated with inflammable materials

Fabric                          Burning Times ( Minutes )
  1                                  18    17   18   17
  2                                  12    11   11   11
  3                                  15      9   13    7
  4                                  14    12    8   13

Are there any differences in the burning times of the four fabrics ? .Use alpha = 0.01
                                          ( 50 marks )


Kertas JIM 211 Advanced Calculus dan JIM 213 Differential Equation 1

Alhamdullillah,selesai menduduki Kertas  Peperiksaan,yang setiap satunya juga memakan masa 3 Jam

Sabtu 15/06/2019 JIM 211 Advanced Calculus 
Ahad 16/06/2019 JIM 213 Differential Equation 1 

Saya mempunyai harapan yang sangat tinggi untuk Kertas Differential Equation ini.Rakan sekuliah saya juga tidak mempnyai masalah sangat untuk memahami subjek ini.

Setelah bertungkus lumus untuk menghadapi Kertas hari Sabtu yang mana berkhir pukul 5.15,di sebelah malam pula perlu ulangkaji subjek untuk pagi esuknya.
Memang meletihkan dan daya ingatan pun mengurang.Hasilnya saya tidak dapat ,menjawab dengan baik Kertas Differential Equation 1 itu.

Insya Allah, lulus .
Jangkaan Markah
 Advanced Calculus     
Maksima :  42.3/ 60% + 32 / 40% = 79.3% -> A-

Minima :    41.4 /60% + 32/40% = 73.4% -> B+

Maksima :  28.6/ 60% + 38.5 / 40% = 67.1% -> B+

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 Hari keempat 26/10/23,khamis , hari terakhir , dah siap bersihkan Sempadan